A modality that can be incorporated in your massage is cupping therapy.
Cupping is a type of alternative therapy that involves placing silicon cups on the skin to create suction. this suction is thought to improve the flow of energy in the body and facilitates healing.
Depending on the aliment being treated, the therapist may leave the cups stationary or alternatively may use a lighter suction and slide the supts throughout an area of congestion. This encourages greater movement throughout the area.
Cupping can free up the fascial restrictions in areas that are less flexible. It helps to move blood and lymph thought sections of muscle that may be more restricted.
It does occasionally leave a discolouration on the skin. this is often called a bruise however when touched is often not tender like a bruise. The discolouration is the accumulation of blood and cellular debris that has been moved as a result of the cups. Once drawn to the surface it is easier for the lymphatic system to remove the accumulated waste
Cupping therapy will help to
Promoting the skin’s blood flow
It can reduce pain and inflammation
Boosting celular immunity.
Near-infrared helps to stabilise abnormal skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis,
Increases blood flow and lymph drainage
Delivers oxygen and nutrients to the skin which benefits cell growth